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MassiveRealm Console


The MassiveRealm Console is a web-based interface for managing and monitoring your MassiveRealm projects. It provides access to various features and settings related to your project, including usage statistics, logics, rooms, storage, deployment, and project settings.

When a project is created, you will receive the Project URL, Project Public Key, and Private Key via email.

Console Structure

The MassiveRealm Console is organized into the following main sections:

  • Dashboard
  • Projects
    • Project
      • Usage Stats
      • Logics
      • Rooms
      • Storage
        • Public Files
        • Private Files
        • Logs
        • Databases
      • Deployment
      • Project Settings


Logics are sets of variables, commands, and timers used within a Room. All logic code is executed on the server-side and must be written in JavaScript. Logics consist of:

  • Variables
    • Global: Variables shared among all users connected to the room.
    • Session: Variables allocated for the current user's session only.
  • Communication
    • Models: Data models with typed parameters for communication between the client and server.
    • Hooks: Predefined hooks for actions like onRoomJoin, onRoomLeave, onRoomCreated, onRoomDestroyed, and onRoomMessage.
    • Server: Public or private server-side commands.
    • Client: Commands available on the client side.
  • Timers
    • Global: Timers executed on the server-side within the room, even if no clients are connected.
    • Session: Timers initiated within each user's session.


A Room is a space where users interact with each other using predefined Logics. Logic must be connected to the room. Each room has a unique Alias defined in the Console. When creating a room in code, you can define a Unique ID or it will be assigned automatically.


  • Public Files: Accessible to everyone, used to host your app's website or assets. Your domain is https://<project-alias> Please contact us to connect your own domain.
  • Private Files: Only accessible to you.
  • Logs: Log Rotation Policy - logs are cleared when the application starts and rotated every 500 lines.
  • Databases: Manage your databases and tables, and the data within them.


  • Development: Test ideas for free with limits (30-minute runtime, traffic limits, CCU limits, file storage limits).
  • Launch: Select multiple Deployment Locations for a Massive Cluster. Includes features like no CCU limits, redundant network, experimental features, and file storage.
  • Enterprise: No limits, custom features, self-hosted or managed dedicated servers, 50+ deployment locations, SLA, priority support, and 24/7 NOC team.

Project Settings

  • Settings / Info: Archive project, reset Public & Private Keys, set Connection Timeout.
  • Settings / Transport: Manage Transport Services (WebRTC Data Channel, WebSocket).
  • Settings / Members: Share project with your team, set roles (Owner, Admin, Viewer), transfer ownership. You also have an option to make the project public.