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Using Vue with MassiveRealm

Vue is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications.

You can use MassiveRealm with Vue to create real-time applications such as chat apps, collaborative tools, and multiplayer games.

Getting started

Check out our Quick Start Guide to create a new MassiveRealm project and get your API key.


  • Create a new MassiveRealm project.
  • Your project's URL and Public Key will be sent to your email.
  • Create Logic entry.
  • Create Room entry with alias chat-room.

MassiveRealm Server Setup

Step 1: Create Model

Navigate to the Communication > Models section in your project's logic and create a new model called Message with the following fields:

  • time - String
  • sessionId - String
  • text - String

Model: Message

Step 2: Create Server Command

Navigate to the Communication > Server section in your project's logic.

Create a new command called BroadcastMessage with the following input parameters:

  • text - String

This command will broadcast a message to all clients in the room, except the sender.

Server: Broadcast Message

Add the following code to the command:

let message = {
    time: (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString(),
    sessionId: $,
    text: $params.text

$session.broadcast('NewMessage', { message });

Server: Broadcast Message

Step 3: Create Client Commands

Navigate to the Communication > Client section in your project's logic. Here we will create 3 commands:

Command 1: NewMessage

Input Parameters:

  • message - Type: "Model: Message"

Client: NewMessage

Command 2: UserJoined

Input Parameters:

  • sessionId - String

Client: NewMessage

Command 3: UserLeft

Input Parameters:

  • sessionId - String

Client: NewMessage

Step 4: Hooks

Navigate to the Communication > Hooks section in your project's logic.

Hook 1: OnRoomJoin

Broadcast a message to all clients when a client joins the room.

$session.broadcast('UserJoined', {
    sessionId: $

Hooks: OnRoomJoin

Hook 2: OnRoomLeave

Broadcast a message to all clients when a client leaves the room.

$session.broadcast('UserLeft', {
    sessionId: $

Hooks: OnRoomJoin

Set Up Your Vue Project

Step 1: Create a Vue App

  1. Create a Vue App:

    npm init vue@latest
    cd <project-name>
    npm install
  2. Install MassiveRealm Client SDK:

    npm install massiverealm-client

Step 2: Create the UI

  1. Update App.vue:
      <div class="app">
        <button @click="connect" :disabled="connected">Connect</button>
        <button @click="disconnect" :disabled="!connected">Disconnect</button>
        <button @click="joinRoom" :disabled="!connected || joined">Join Room</button>
        <div v-if="joined">
          <button @click="sendMessage">Send Message</button>
        <div id="logs">
          <div v-for="(log, index) in logs" :key="index">{{ log }}</div>
    import { ref } from 'vue';
    import { Client as MassiveRealmClient } from 'massiverealm-client';
    export default {
      setup() {
        const mrClient = ref(null);
        const connected = ref(false);
        const joined = ref(false);
        const logs = ref([]);
        const roomId = ref('room-1');
        const message = ref('');
        const appendLog = (message) => {
        const connect = () => {
          mrClient.value = new MassiveRealmClient({
            debug: true,
            url: 'https://your-project-url/', // Replace with your project URL
            publicKey: 'your-public-key', // Replace with your public key
            onConnect: () => {
              connected.value = true;
            onDisconnect: () => {
              connected.value = false;
              joined.value = false;
            onJoinRoom: () => {
              appendLog(`Joined room ${roomId.value}`);
              joined.value = true;
            onLeaveRoom: () => {
              appendLog(`Left room ${roomId.value}`);
              joined.value = false;
            onCommand: (command, data) => {
              appendLog(`Received command: ${command} with data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
            onError: (error) => {
              appendLog(`Error: ${error}`);
        const disconnect = () => {
          if (mrClient.value) {
            mrClient.value = null;
        const joinRoom = () => {
          if (mrClient.value) {
              alias: 'chat-room',
              id: roomId.value
        const sendMessage = () => {
          if (mrClient.value) {
            mrClient.value.emit('BroadcastMessage', { text: message.value });
            message.value = '';
        return {
    .app {
      text-align: center;
    #logs {
      margin-top: 20px;
      text-align: left;
      height: 200px;
      overflow-y: scroll;
      border: 1px solid #ccc;
      padding: 10px;
    button {
      margin: 5px;
    input {
      margin: 5px;

Step 3: Test the Application

  1. Run Your Vue App:

    npm run dev
  2. Connect and Interact:

    • Click the Connect button.
    • After connecting, enter a room ID or use the default room-1, and click Join Room.
    • Observe the logs for connection, room joining, and disconnection events.

By following these steps, you should have a basic chat application that connects to a MassiveRealm server, joins a room, and logs connection events.

Optimization Tip

Storing room settings on the client side may significantly reduce network traffic. This way, the client will not need to request the room settings each time it joins a room.

Navigate to the Rooms section and select the room you want to optimize. Then click on Export on the left side and copy the code.

Optimization Code JSON

Paste that JSON into the client-side code, and you're done!

 const connect = () => {
   mrClient.value = new MassiveRealmClient({
     debug: true,

     // Replace with your project URL
     url: 'https://your-project-url/',

     // Replace with your public key
     publicKey: 'your-public-key',

     roomConfig: { 
       'chat-room': {"serverCommands":{"BroadcastMessage":{"id":10,"params":[{"name":"commandId","type":"uint8"},{"name":"text","type":"string8"}]}},"clientCommands":{"UserLeft":{"id":10,"params":[{"name":"commandId","type":"uint8"},{"name":"sessionId","type":"string8"}]},"UserJoined":{"id":11,"params":[{"name":"commandId","type":"uint8"},{"name":"sessionId","type":"string8"}]},"NewMessage":{"id":12,"params":[{"name":"commandId","type":"uint8"},{"name":"message","type":"model:Message"}]}},"models":{"Message":{"params":[{"name":"time","type":"string8"},{"name":"sessionId","type":"string8"},{"name":"text","type":"string8"}]}}} 

     onConnect: () => {
       connected.value = true;



More Performance Tips.