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What is MassiveRealm?

MassiveRealm is a powerful platform designed to support the creation and management of multiplayer online games and apps. By leveraging a network of servers operating simultaneously, the platform ensures that each server operates independently while still enabling broadcasting between them.

This architecture supports a high number of concurrent users (CCU) within a single room, ensuring seamless interactivity and performance.

MassiveRealm supports multiple communication protocols in the same room and even from one user at a time, including WebRTC Data Channel and WebSocket, which can operate simultaneously on the client to handle different types of information.

The platform prioritizes traffic efficiency, transmitting only raw values without keys in a binary format between client and server with explicit data types such as String8, String16, Int8, Int32, Int64, etc.

UDP protocol support will be available soon, further enhancing communication capabilities.

Use Cases

By understanding the strengths and limitations of MassiveRealm, you can make informed decisions about how to best utilize this platform for your projects.

Here are some of the ideal uses and limitations of MassiveRealm:

Perfect Use Cases:

  1. Learning: If you are new to multiplayer game development, MassiveRealm is an excellent platform to start with. It offers a simple and efficient way to create multiplayer games and apps without the need for complex server-side programming.
  2. Meta-Games and Collaborative Games: For games that require rapid processing of messages and broadcasting between players, MassiveRealm excels due to its efficient message relay capabilities and massive scalability.
  3. Educational Games: MassiveRealm is ideal for educational games and apps that require real-time interaction between users.


  1. Server-side Third-Party Libraries: MassiveRealm is built for minimal server-side processing. Offload computations such as physics and pathfinding to the client, using the server primarily for minor packet changes, batching, and broadcasting state changes.
  2. Video or Audio Streaming: MassiveRealm is not designed for video or audio streaming, as these activities demand significant resources. The platform is optimized for message handling and broadcasting between players from different regions. This does not mean you cannot organize such streaming, but it will not be efficient.
  3. Games with Exact Player Count Requirements: If your game needs to know the precise number of players in a room and place restrictions based on CCU, MassiveRealm's server-independent operation may not be suitable. Because the same room can be created in different regions and servers, there can only be broadcast messages between rooms, but there is no single center of control. Therefore, you don't know the current CCU.
    But you can organize such control using built-in KV Database.
  4. Turn-based Games: Managing player turn order is not handled on the server due to independent server operations. However, it can be managed on the client side with a master client overseeing turn sequences or by using a Database.
  5. Database: The platform offers a KV database with a maximum TTL (Time to Live) of 24 hours. You can integrate any other kind of DB by using the Request API.